I introduced it a few months ago (WordPress-Caddy-Docker) A simple solution to quickly set up WordPress running on a Caddy Server using Docker Compose. This tool has been well received by many people, however it has 2 major disadvantages:
- Parameters need to be edited
in file.env
before activation. - Only supports setting up a single website. If you need to manage multiple WordPress websites on the same server, it is mandatory to have knowledge of Caddy and Docker to set up additional parameters accordingly.
I have shown how to configure Caddy as a Reserve Proxy for homelab at home. The same can be applied to configure many WordPress websites. However, doing it manually not only takes a lot of time but also easily leads to errors if not careful when editing the configuration.
The above difficulties and limitations motivated me to upgrade (wordpress-caddy-docker) to the new version, which supports installing multiple websites on the same server. After several weeks of research and testing with the great support of Claude AI and ChatGPT, I would like to introduce to everyone KazeWP – tools to help manage many WordPress websites easily, quickly and effectively.
I. Introducing KazeWP
KazeWP is an open source tool developed by me (with support from ChatGPT and Claude AI), helping to deploy and manage multiple WordPress websites easily on Docker and Caddy platforms.
Outstanding benefits of KazeWP:
- Flexible expansion: You can add as many websites as you like without worrying about conflicts.
- Supports many WordPress websites: Easily add, delete, or manage WordPress websites on the same server.
- Integrated Reverse Proxy: Use Caddy to automatically configure SSL and network redirection.
- Fully automatic: Automate configuration using simple Bash Script.
- Easy to install: Everything is containerized using Docker.
II. Install KazeWP
1. Requirements:
- The computer has it pre-installed Docker and Docker Compose.
- Unix operating system (Linux or macOS), or WSL if using Windows.
2. Installation steps:
Download source code from Github:
git clone https://github.com/10h30/kazewp.git
cd kazewp
Code language: Bash (bash)
The directory structure will be as follows, with the main executable file being kazewp.sh
├── kazewp.sh
├── images
│ ├── kazewp.png
├── lib
│ ├── caddy.sh
│ ├── colors.sh
│ ├── config.sh
│ ├── docker.sh
│ ├── utils.sh
│ ├── validation.sh
│ └── wordpress.sh
├── README.md
└── templates
├── caddy.template
├── docker-compose.yml.template
└── wp-setup.sh.template
Code language: CSS (css)
Run the installation script:
Use the following command to see how to use KazeWP
KazeWP - WordPress Site Management Script
./kazewp.sh install <domain> - Install a new WordPress site
./kazewp.sh list - List all installed WordPress sites
./kazewp.sh delete <domain> - Delete a WordPress site
./kazewp.sh delete all - Delete everything
Code language: Shell Session (shell)
III. Instructions for using KazeWP
A. Install new website
To install a new WordPress website, use the following command:
./kazewp.sh install <domain>
Replace <domain>
with your domain name (e.g. markknow.com
). The system will ask you to enter important information to configure WordPress: Admin Email, Admin Username, Admin Password and Site Title
Enter admin email: mark@markknow.com
Enter admin username: mark
Enter password (press Enter for random password):
Generated password: wIIWfNPfXL2qiLa0
Enter site title: Mark
Do you want to (1) start services and set up WordPress automatically or (2) do it manually later? (1/2):
Code language: Shell Session (shell)
You have 2 options for installation
1. Automatic activation
When choosing (1) start services and set up WordPress automaticallythe system will automatically operate from AZ: create containers, configure WordPress and connect to Caddy. You just need to wait a few minutes until you see the message below
== User List ==
(+) Creating 2/0
Container db_mark.com Running 0.0s
Container wordpress_mark.com Running 0.0s
| ID | user_login | display_name | user_email | user_registered | roles |
| 1 | mark | mark | mark@markknow.com | 2025-02-03 01:24:28 | administrator |
== Theme List ==
(+) Creating 2/0
Container db_mark.com Running 0.0s
Container wordpress_mark.com Running 0.0s
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| kadence | active | none | 1.2.14 | | off |
| twentytwentyfive | inactive | none | 1.0 | | off |
| twentytwentyfour | inactive | none | 1.3 | | off |
| twentytwentythree | inactive | none | 1.6 | | off |
== Plugin List ==
(+) Creating 2/0
Container db_mark.com Running 0.0s
Container wordpress_mark.com Running 0.0s
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| akismet | inactive | none | 5.3.5 | | off |
| cache-enabler | active | none | 1.8.15 | | off |
| hello | inactive | none | 1.7.2 | | off |
| wordfence | active | none | 8.0.1 | | off |
| advanced-cache.php | dropin | none | | | off |
WordPress setup completed!
WordPress setup completed successfully
Complete setup finished successfully!
WordPress Site Information:
Domain: https://mark.com
Admin URL: https://mark.com/wp-admin
Username: mark
Email: mark@markknow.com
Credentials have been saved to: /root/kazewp/wordpress/mark.com/credentials.txt
Code language: Shell Session (shell)
Then use your web browser to access the domain name you just set up to confirm that WordPress has been successfully installed.
2. Manual activation
You can also choose (2) do it manually laterto proactively activate the system when needed. Usually when I need advanced configuration for some special WordPress websites, I will choose this step to edit the file compose.yaml
before activation.
The system will display instructions on how to activate as below
Manual setup instructions:
1. Start Caddy:
cd /root/kazewp/caddy && docker compose up -d
Reloading Caddy configuration...
2. Start WordPress:
cd /root/kazewp/wordpress/mark.com && docker compose up -d
3. Run the WordPress setup script:
WordPress Site Information:
Domain: https://mark.com
Admin URL: https://mark.com/wp-admin
Username: mark
Password: y8bnRF2daKjGI2Wb (SAVE THIS PASSWORD!)
Email: mark@markknow.com
Credentials have been saved to: /root/kazewp/wordpress/mark.com/credentials.txt
Code language: Shell Session (shell)
Activate Caddy
cd /root/kazewp/caddy && docker compose up -d
Code language: Bash (bash)
Activate WordPress
cd /root/kazewp/wordpress/mark.com && docker compose up -d
Code language: Bash (bash)
Install WordPress
and operate similarly to the instructions above
In both cases, the WordPress site parameters are saved in the file credentials.txt
located in the directory of the newly created domain name.
To add a new website, use the command again
./kazewp.sh install <domain
and operate similar to the instructions above.
B. View the list of installed websites
To see a list of running websites, use the following command:
./kazewp.sh list
Code language: PHP (php)
A list of websites and corresponding information will be displayed on the terminal.
Installed WordPress Sites:
Site: mark.com
Path: /root/kazewp/wordpress/mark.com
Status: No container is running
Code language: YAML (yaml)
C. Delete website
To delete an installed website, use the command:
./kazewp.sh delete <domain>
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Replace <domain>
with the domain you want to delete. You need to confirm in the Are you sure you want to continue step? (y/N). Select Y to confirm.
Warning: This will permanently delete the site: mark.com
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N): y
Stopping Docker containers...
Removing site directory...
Removing Caddy configuration...
Reloading Caddy...
Reloading Caddy configuration...
Site 'mark.com' has been successfully deleted
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
D. Reset from the beginning
To delete all sites and configurations, use the command
./kazewp.sh delete all
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Are you sure you want to uninstall everything? This will stop and remove all containers, and delete files. (Y/n): Y
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
All containers and folders created by this KazeWP script will be cleaned up so you can reinstall from the beginning.
IV. Conclusion
KazeWP is a powerful and convenient solution for managing multiple WordPress websites on the same server. With automation features, KazeWP will help you save time and optimize management work.
In addition to the existing features, I am planning to add new features such as backup / restore, plugin / theme installation options,…
Try using it KazeWP and share your opinion! If you have any questions or find an error when using it, please notify me in the comments section below.
Wishing you a successful installation!
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