Marketing 6.0 Philip Kotler cover

[Download] eBook Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler

Explore the book “Marketing 6.0 – The New Era of the Marketing World” – The latest work from the father of modern Marketing Philip Kotler. Marketing 6.0 will provide a comprehensive view of advanced strategies and solutions to optimize customer experience in the digital age. In this article, Marketing AI will help readers learn the main contents of Marketing 6.0 and don’t forget to follow the entire article to receive the link to download the document!

Brief introduction to the book “Marketing 6.0”

Marketing 6.0 will give marketers a whole new perspective on how to approach and interact with customers in the coming future. The book not only helps you understand the evolution of marketing but also provides advanced strategies to optimize the customer experience.

Marketing 6.0 Philip Kotler

Marketing 6.0 book by Philip Kotler

1. Author Introduction

The father of modern marketing – Philip Kotler is one of the world’s leading marketing theorists. He is famous for a series of classic books in the marketing industry such as “Marketing Management”, “Marketing 4.0”,… It can be said that Kotler and his works have shaped the development of the marketing industry, creating basic knowledge that every marketer is applying in the current market context.

2. Background of “Marketing 6.0”

The push of new cutting-edge technology platforms such as Artificial Intelligence has pushed the Marketing industry through the 5.0 era to Marketing 6.0. Facing this transformation, Philip Kotler and his colleagues introduced the concept of “Marketing 6.0”. This book aims to address the new challenges and opportunities in the digital age, where connecting and interacting with customers has become more complex than ever.

Main content of the document

The book Marketing 6.0 includes 13 chapters with 3 main content parts. Specifically:

Part 1: Introduction to Marketing 6.0

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Marketing 6.0 era

Philip Kotler begins the book by describing the evolution of marketing through the ages, from Marketing 1.0 to Marketing 6.0. Marketing 6.0 represents the shift from multi-channel strategy to omnichannel and meta-channel strategy, where customer interactions become deeper and more multi-dimensional than ever.

Chapter 2: The Emergence of the “Phygital” Generation

Kotler focuses on Generation Z and Alpha, who were born and raised in the digital age. He emphasizes that these consumers desire experiences that combine the physical and digital worlds, creating the concept of “phygital”.

Chapter 3: The Inevitability of Metadata Marketing

In this chapter, Kotler explores five key trends leading to the development of Marketing 6.0:

  • Short Video
  • Community-based social network
  • Interactive E-Commerce
  • Language-based artificial intelligence
  • Immersive Wearables

These trends all contribute to a holistic and interactive marketing experience.

Download the book Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler - New era of the marketing world - Photo 2.

5 key trends leading to the development of Marketing 6.0

Chapter 4: The Future of Customer Experience

Kotler predicts that customer experiences will become increasingly deeper and multi-dimensional, combining physical and digital experiences. He also emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Each business needs to be flexible in integrating new technologies to meet customer needs, in line with its own goals.

Part 2: Factors and Environment Promoting Marketing 6.0

Chapter 5: Understanding Assistive Technologies

The book lists five key technologies in Marketing 6.0: Internet of Things (IoT) for data collection, artificial intelligence (AI) for data processing, spatial computing for experience modeling, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for interfaces, and blockchain for infrastructure. These technologies help businesses create more immersive and personalized marketing experiences.

Chapter 6: Building Augmented Reality

In chapter 6 of Marketing 6.0, Kotler describes how businesses can reinvent the “third place” – spaces outside the home and workplace – by using technology to create immersive, real-life experiences. These are the applications of technologies such as AR, VR and especially XR – Extended Reality.

Chapter 7: Harnessing the Potential of the Metaverse

The Metaverse trend has become quite popular in the past 3-4 years. Metaverse is defined as a virtual world that simulates the real world, creating a separate space for the Brand. In chapter 7 of Marketing 6.0, Kotler will explain the basic components of a metaverse and predict that the metaverse will become the main interaction platform for the younger generations.

Part 3: Marketing 6.0 Experience

Chapter 8: Multisensory Marketing

Kotler emphasizes the importance of stimulating the senses in marketing. He provides strategies for creating multisensory experiences to engage customers on a deeper level.

Chapter 9: Spatial Marketing

Spatial marketing focuses on creating natural interactions between humans and machines. Kotler explains how spatial marketing can be applied to create a seamless and natural customer experience.

Download the book Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler - New era of the marketing world - Photo 3.

Advanced technology is biotechnology.

Chapter 10: Marketing in the Metaverse

Finally, Kotler discusses how businesses can understand and participate in the Metaverse. He provides specific guidance on how to design marketing campaigns in the Metaverse, from understanding customer motivations to choosing the right channels to deploy them.

Download the book Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler (English version)

Google Drive: Download eBook Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler

Direct: Download eBook Marketing 6.0 by Philip Kotler


Philip Kotler’s “Marketing 6.0” is a must-read for anyone who wants to embrace and lead the new era of marketing. Packed with cutting-edge strategies and technologies, this book provides a detailed roadmap for businesses looking to create immersive and effective customer experiences. Read on and discover what Marketing 6.0 has to offer!

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