Building an eCommerce Website: A Beginner’s Guide
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Building an eCommerce Website: A Beginner’s Guide

What is an E-Commerce website?

This multi-functional media has become Hot recently with wide coverage and extremely high traffic. So how can a new business register and create its own website? Don’t worry because MarkKnow will reveal it right away, steps to build an eCommerce Website are extremely simple!

Find the Right Domain Name

Before eCommerce Web Development businesses need to buy a domain name that matches their Brand, products and services. This is the name that will be associated with your website, so choose the domain name carefully and thoroughly. There are currently quite a few domain name providers such as NameSilo, GoDaddy, HostGator, …

Find the Right Domain Name

Choose the right domain name

Find an impressive eCommerce Website Design Company

One of the Website Design Steps, The important thing is to find a professional design unit. This will help your e-commerce site attract readers and make a stronger impression. To choose a reliable and effective partner, note the following issues:

  • Check the website design company’s profile.
  • Consider the issue of completion time build eCommerce website
  • Reasonable website design and construction costs.
  • The unit has experience in your field of operation.

Understanding the above issues carefully will not only help the website operate more successfully but also minimize risks that may affect future business plans.

eCommerce Website Design

Find a professional website design company

Tip: Marketing Knowledge With 5+ years of in-depth experience in the field of Digital Marketing, with the ability to operate in many industries, we clearly know the type of e-commerce website with the right features for your business. Contact us today for advice.

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform

Choosing a reliable eCommerce platform will save your company and you personally time and money. The two largest platforms today are WordPress and Magento. Depending on the characteristics and orientation of eCommerce Website Development but have decided to choose the right platform.

How to register an e-commerce website
Choosing a WordPress eCommerce platform

Design Direction for Website

Do not leave the entire website design to an Outside Agency, but monitor, comment and give ideas for the design company to implement appropriately. Orienting ideas like this will help the website to be more accessible to customers in the business field.

Individuals and companies can refer to the design of some famous websites, or rely on available interfaces to be more Creative and Innovative. This method allows you to visualize the preliminary website and work with partners more easily.

Web Design and Web Development Cableboss Bristol - eCommerce Website

Website design sketch

Website launch

After completing steps to build an e-commerce website, Let’s start putting the website into operation. You need to post contact information, important content on the homepage, add quality articles, real images, etc. so that customers feel more neat and trust the website. In addition, do not forget to take advantage of valuable backlink sources to serve effective SEO work later.

Create Pop-ups

Pop-ups - eCommerce Website

Create Pop-ups to Collect Data

In today’s flat world with a huge amount of data, collecting information from customers visiting the website brings many benefits to marketing campaigns. Therefore, create pop-ups to collect personal information such as Email, phone number, age, gender, etc. of users. From there, take advantage to create a suitable Sales funnel.

You can ask the design unit and build eCommerce website or the company’s IT department takes care of this task.

Focus on Personal Marketing of Customer Files

Similar to business relationships, marketing campaigns for e-commerce platforms also need to be personalized, offering each customer care program suitable for each segment. Make a strong impression on customers with unique designs and catchy slogans when implementing Advertising campaigns. For Email Marketing, you need to pay attention to creating a conversational atmosphere, not empty advertising.

Integrate Payment Methods

Diverse payment is an important factor that helps your website gain an advantage over competitors in the same industry. Bank transfer or COD are no longer superior, instead customers prefer to use e-wallets, visa cards, VNpay, Napas, …

Payment Methods - eCommerce Website

Link online payment methods

Linking with electronic payment channels or banks allows businesses and users to pay quickly with special offers. However, you need to ensure the security of all customer payment information to increase the reliability of the website and sustainably help eCommerce website development.

Connect with Shipping Units

Businesses or websites cannot operate independently but need to link with shipping partners to serve customers’ home delivery needs. If the company itself carries out the shipping of goods, it will be very costly in terms of costs and personnel. Therefore, most small businesses do not choose this method.

What is an e-commerce website?
Cooperate with shipping units

When searching and choosing a shipping partner, pay attention to the quality of service, staff, packaging, storage of goods, maximum shipping time, and estimated costs. Because the shipping team will also greatly affect the customer’s perception and evaluation of your brand.

Therefore, do not forget to consult many different sources and consider all factors to make the right decision.

Run Adwords and SEO Campaigns

After completing the basic website, businesses need to deploy Adwords campaigns and SEO eCommerce Websites to increase traffic as well as develop the brand. Regarding Adwords, the two most effective channels today are Google Adwords and Facebook Adwords.

This requires careful investment and testing time, so businesses need to plan long-term and regularly evaluate and measure effectiveness.

Above are steps to build an e-commerce website and details of the work to be done for each stage. Please save this useful information to apply to the website development and bring high business efficiency. Contact Us to Get Advice Marketing Package, If you have any questions that need answering!

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