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Real Estate marketing: 7 Effective Real Estate Marketing Strategies

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It can be seen that real estate is the most profitable industry in the market, Marketers need to know the tricks to be successful. Noted 7 important marketing factors to help sell successfully at a time, to attract customers, and to boost Sales to close year-end sales among real estate businesses.

Let’s find out with MarkKnow through the article below to help Marketers grasp 7 Real Estate Marketing tricks for themselves.

What is Real Estate Marketing?

Real estate marketing are marketing method for real estate products and services such as buying, selling and renting real estate. Accordingly, real estate marketing staff will provide full information, services and products that the company has available to all customers. Most importantly, the information that real estate marketing provides must satisfy the needs of customers, help sales close deals effectively, and help increase sales for the company.

Real estate brokers who know clearly and deeply about real estate marketing methods can find many customers, increase sales opportunities, and bring revenue to the company.

The Most Popular Forms of Real Estate Marketing

Currently, there are many different real estate marketing channels, however, MarkKnow will summarize and divide them into the following popular forms:

1. Marketing by SMS Messages

This is the fastest and most proactive form of marketing and was once considered an extremely effective and economical real estate marketing method, but that is no longer the case. Because customers find it annoying to receive spam messages, using text message marketing is no longer effective.

SMS Marketing is a popular form of real estate marketing.

SMS Marketing is a popular form of real estate marketing.

2. Marketing using chat applications

This form is similar to SMS Marketing but is no longer widely used because it is easy to get your account locked.

3. Telesales

Telemarketing is a popular form applied by most businesses in the real estate industry. But to do this, telesales people must have good sales skills and have a quality data source.

4. Email marketing

This is also considered a form used with other forms, the number of people opening Advertising Emails is how much and is considered spam email.

Real estate marketing via email

Real estate marketing via email

5. Facebook

This form is also implemented in parallel with other marketing forms. This is a channel that reaches many users, so it is quite effective.

6. Flyers, Posters

This document is mass-printed and hung in key locations of the project for easy recognition by residents and customers.

7. Word of Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth Marketing is quite effective and reputable. You can introduce your products to your friends and relatives in a natural way.

7 Real Estate Marketing Strategies you need to know to “hit the jackpot”

1. Position the Project Correctly

Project positioning is the most important factor but also the weakness of Real Estate Companies today. Among the many projects on the market, house buyers are always interested in the prominence or difference of the project they want to buy, even if they are at the same price.

There are many cases where sales staff are confused or unable to answer this question from customers.

Real estate marketing skills

Correct project positioning is one of the important real estate marketing skills.

This is not the fault of sales but of the project investor. Because the investor or marketing department does not clearly define the project’s positioning, the project becomes general, obscure in the market and less attractive to buyers. In addition, projects that start designing without market research and without providing a clear positioning will cause difficulties for the sales department later.

Therefore, the most important thing when implementing a project is to position the project correctly. This can be based on selling price, project amenities, design factors, living environment, culture, etc. However, all of these factors must come from the real needs of customers.

Projects positioned according to a green living environment are the choice trend of many home buyers today.

2. Identify Target Customers

A project cannot be suitable for all customers. Income level, ability to pay, job characteristics, living standards, etc. greatly affect consumers’ home-buying decisions.

Therefore, to sell successfully, a construction project must meet the needs of a certain customer group.

Identifying target customers usually starts early, before the design stage. This includes surveying the housing demand in the market area where the project will be built. From those groups, marketers must select a group of target customers to serve them.

Identifying target customers is an important link in real estate marketing strategy.

Identifying target customers is an important link in real estate marketing strategy.

Besides, it is also necessary to observe the requirements and desires of this customer group that the projects implemented there have not met in order to include them in your project. To sell successfully, real estate businesses need to have a reasonable and skillful marketing strategy.

3. Choose Channels and allocate the Budget appropriately

Once the target audience has been identified, the next step is to choose a communication channel and allocate the budget appropriately. This comes from each customer segment depending on age, industry characteristics, time habits, etc., there will be different ways to access information. It can be through print newspapers, online newspapers, social networks, television, radio, etc.

Typically, a project will use all communication channels, both traditional and modern. However, during the project development stages, the dosage of these methods will change.

marketing for real estate

Reasonable budget allocation is a real estate marketing trend to follow (Source: Docplexus-insights.com)

Notably, analyzing user information based on digital tools (Digital Marketing) through experience in running real estate ads or direct interaction between sales staff and buyers (Direct Marketing) are effective methods today.

This is also the Marketing trend that is predicted to dominate the world. real estate marketing and in the coming years. Currently, this method has been widely used in some economic sectors, but real estate is still very limited.

4. Specific and Clear Communication Content

A mistake in doing Real Estate Marketing The problem with many current projects is that the communication content about the project lacks specificity and clarity. This is shown through the message in the PR article, the introduction content, the project advertisement, etc., which lacks emphasis or does not target a specific customer group, leaving home buyers with no impression.

The advice in this case is that the content should be concise, clear, focusing on the needs and desires of the target customers. When reading the content about the project, they see themselves in it, and that the project is suitable for them. This is the key factor influencing the decision to buy a house in the project.

5. Cooperate with Brokers

The current popular form of sales is that not only the investor sells the project but also cooperates with trading floors and brokerage companies. Even for large-scale projects, many trading floors are distributed at the same time.

Cooperate with real estate marketing broker

Working with a broker is essential to any real estate marketing strategy.

The important thing in this stage is that the investor must have reasonable and harmonious coordination between these companies, avoiding conflicts of interest and affecting customers.

6. Smart Distribution Policy

To attract customers and speed up sales, distribution and promotion policies are indispensable “tricks” in real estate marketing and sales.

However, in the context of strong market competition, this must also be done wisely and skillfully to suit the needs and tastes of buyers.

When using this factor, you should not “imitate” but base it on the specific project situation. In reality, there have been cases where the same “trick” of price reduction was successfully applied by one business while another failed.

The popular forms today are attractive pricing strategies, flexible payment methods, bank loan support, 2-4% discounts, etc.

7. Customer Care

This is a seemingly unimportant step but is very effective in building a brand and supporting sales. From the time of handing over the house to the customer, the investor’s obligation to the buyer has not ended but will continue throughout the process. That is the organization of programs and activities to build community culture on Holidays, Events, … or other added values.

Customer care is an important element in real estate marketing strategy.

Customer care is an important element in real estate marketing strategy.

The above are the most important factors of working real estate marketing. However, to be successful, it requires rationality and ingenuity. Also noted that the effectiveness of marketing does not depend on the budget spent on this activity, little or much. For example, project positioning, and identifying target customers does not cost money or customer care costs little but is important to help sales success.

Revealing Groundbreaking and Trending Real Estate Marketing Ideas

To be successful in the real estate industry, you can pay attention to the following ideas:

Real estate marketing trends

Real estate marketing trends

  • Using chatbots: Support answering questions automatically and classifying customers interested in the service to the “funnel” before reaching the direct care staff.
  • Using 360 degree VR Tour images: The image is taken from a flycam at the real estate location. Thereby, users have a panoramic view of the surrounding buildings and utilities. From there, they will have a clearer sense of the location as well as the surrounding scenery.
  • Using 3D images to make perspective films: Currently, high-end real estate projects are regularly applying this technology to their projects. You can see it advertised on TV.


Here are 7 Tips & Tricks Real Estate Marketing 100% effective tips for Marketers to create the best opportunities for their businesses. One thing is for sure, this will be an industry with impressive growth over the next few years with high urbanization in many cities across the country. So hopefully with the 7 tips below, you can gain the knowledge to create marketing strategies for projects, and real estate marketing plans suitable for the company.

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