What is Standard SEO Article
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What is a Standard SEO Article? Instructions on How to Write a Standard SEO Article

If you want to build a successful online business and survive in the ever-changing world of SEO. Your job is to create useful, interesting content. Persuasive and optimized for both users and search engines. Please follow the article below of MarkKnow to learn about SEO standard article.

What is SEO? What is SEO standard?

In the field of Marketing, SEO Marketing is considered a part of SEM (Search Engine Marketing). That is, marketing through search engines. It is also often described as the role of a “Search Engine Optimization specialist”. Before going into the details of the Definition of SEO standard Content. You need to understand the concept of SEO.

SEO (abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing a website. To compete for keyword rankings on search engine results pages. Thereby increasing website traffic and conversion rates.

SEO standard is the optimal form to help a website or SEO standard article friendly with search engines. Especially for the most popular search engine today – Google. To do so, we need a basic foundation, especially content SEO. Different from other types of regular Content. SEO standard Content requires in post Writing is not only aimed at readers. But also must meet SEO criteria. To be friendly with search engines (especially Google) and easier to get to the Top.

In general, SEO standards should be a top priority if you want to increase accessibility to your target customers. A website with SEO standards is a website that meets the criteria of Onpage SEO.

What is a standard SEO article?

SEO standard article is a type of article with optimized content. To satisfy the search needs of users and implement SEO techniques. To promote the ranking of articles on search results pages. This type of article can attract a large amount of traffic from search engines.

In other words, SEO writing service is to write content that Google can understand. At the same time, that content needs to meet the needs of users. So if you write content only for Google. Your content can sound super “robotic”. A super “robotic” content because of overusing the keyword “Aqua fiber core”. On the contrary, if you write content only for users. Your page may not contain important keywords. To meet search engine requirements.

Content is for users only, not optimized for work tool search. But if you want an article that meets SEO standards, you need to meet both of the above factors.

To please search engines and your potential customers. You must create SEO standard article valuable to users. Not just SEO optimized for it.

SEO standard articles are articles with optimized content. To satisfy users' search needs and implement SEO techniques.

Structure of a standard SEO article

Google now evaluates content quality through user experience metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, etc. SEO experts also agree that content with positive UX signals will increase the chances of a website ranking.

Therefore, when using the examples of SEO Standard article. You can expect your website to draw on a number of ranking signals from search engines, including:

  • Increased quality backlinks go up.
  • Bounce Rate reduced.
  • Dwell Time increased.
  • Search result click-through rate (CTR) becomes average or higher.
  • Shared a lot on social networks.
  • Increase the number of comments or interactions from the community.

Google now evaluates content quality through user experience metrics. Such as bounce rate, time on page.

Instructions on how to write SEO standard articles

Keyword Research

To write an article according to SEO standards, the first step is keyword research. You can use the Semrush tool to identify Organic Keywords for SEO standard article of mAvoid choosing short keywords with too high search volume, because of the high competition. Nowadays, users often search for specific keywords related to their needs on the internet.

For example, instead of choosing the keyword “air fryer”. You can choose “which air fryer is best”. Or “how to use an air fryer”.Heydryng oil”. These keywords have lower search volume. Therefore, they face less competition than short keywords.

Alternatively, you can also type a keyword into the Google search engine. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to search for related keywords. For example, type in “air fryer oil” into the Google search bar. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see related keywords that Google suggests.

Build SEO standard article layout

About the title

When write SEO standard articlethe title is usually under 60 characters and must contain the main keyword. The keyword should be placed on the left side of the title, because the closer to the beginning the better. Avoid titles that are too short or too long that they do not fully display in search results.

History Use strong adjectives or emotional words to attract viewers. Use numbers to create specificity and trust, preferring odd numbers over even numbers. Write titles that are instructive or informative. Or use keywords such as: tips, experiences, secrets, tricks, tips, and secrets, from A to Z. For example: “How to write SEO-standard articles: 9 steps to create SEO Standard Article; 11+ simple ways to speed up your website”


The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to stay on the website. Start with a paragraph of under 155 words, focusing on the main problem and providing a solution. Insert the main keyword naturally in the first 100 words, especially at the beginning of the paragraph.

Content Optimization

The Body

In this section, you need to answer readers’ questions and share useful information. Share SEO Standard Article into small parts with each idea main. Each idea has a Heading 2 title containing the main keyword or secondary keyword.

For example:

Heading 2: “Benefits of using rosewood flooring”

Heading 2: “How to choose the right rosewood flooring model”

Heading 2: “Butng Note when buying boards floor rosewood


The conclusion should summarize the content. content of the article. Emphasize your Brand and call to action. Usually 80 – 150 words long and contain the main keyword.

Optimize articles according to SEO standards

Optimize URL/Slug

Slug is part of the URL and must be unique to your website. Set the slug to be clear and understandable to both readers and search engines.

  • URL should contain main keywords, easy to read, easy to remember.
  • Use 301 Redirect to redirect from old URL to new URL when needed.

Optimize Subheading (H2, H3, H4 …)

The subheading help structure c SEO standard article and clarify the main idea of ​​each section.

  • Use H2 tags to clarify the main idea of ​​H1. H3 to clarify the willnh of H2. H4 to clarify the main idea of ​​H3.
  • Insert LSI keywords into subheadings and bold them to increase relevance to the main keyword.
  • Make sure to have at least two H2 subheadings in each post to maintain logic.

H1-H6 Headings

Optimize Meta Description

  • Meta Description needs to be written concisely and attractively to attract users to click on the article.
  • Limit Meta Description to under 120 characters to suit the interface on both computers and Mobile devices.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing in the Meta Description section.

Optimize images for SEO standard article

  • Images are an important factor in attracting users and are highly valued by Google.
  • Select the image format as .jpg and name the image to contain the main keyword.
  • Image size must be appropriate, with Featured Image being 1200 x 628 pixels. And the image in the article is 600 x 400 pixels.
  • Images should be centered and have descriptive captions in italics.
  • Each SEO Standard Article at least one image required unique self design to create brand accents.
  • Avoid using images with competitor logos.
  • The number of images inserted into the article depends on the number of words. For example, 1000 words should Have 4 illustrations.

Insert keyword reasonable

  • Use the keyword list already research in the field before and allocate them to SEO standard article.
  • The main keyword frequency should appear about 5-6 times in the article.
  • Highlight keywords in the introduction or the entire article.
  • Keyword density should range from 1 – 3% for each SEO standard article.

Insert Internal Link and External Link into SEO standard article

External Link is a link pointing from your website to another website. Internal Link is an internal link pointing from one page to another page on the same website. Use at least 3 Internal Links in each article and at least 1 External Link to related articles.

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