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TikTok Ads 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Your Followers

What are TikTok Ads?

TikTok ads are promotional content that businesses and individuals can use to reach a wider audience on the TikTok platform. These ads can take various forms, from short video clips to branded hashtag challenges, and are designed to engage users and drive specific actions, such as increasing followers.

Types of TikTok Ads: There are several types of TikTok ads, including In-Feed Ads, Brand Takeover Ads, TopView Ads, Branded Hashtag Challenges, and Branded Effects. Each type has its unique features and benefits.

Benefits of Using TikTok Ads: Using TikTok ads can help you reach a large and engaged audience, increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your profile, and ultimately grow your follower base.

TikTok is a Social Media with a huge number of users, opening up a golden opportunity for you to attract traffic, promote your Brand and make money. However, to stand out from the crowd of creators, you need to have a huge number of followers. This article by MarkKnow will share the secret run ads to increase TikTok followers with extremely detailed Advertising Strategy.

How to run ads to increase TikTok followers?

TikTok followers are a measure of how many accounts have clicked the “Follow” button on your channel. A channel’s total followers are calculated based on the number of accounts that have followed that channel. Information about the number of followers is always public to the channel owner and the channel’s viewers.

Definition of running ads to increase TikTok followers

Definition of running ads to increase TikTok followers

Why should you run ads to increase TikTok followers?

Running ads to increase TikTok followers will bring extremely important benefits to businesses:

  • Increase reach: Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok uses user interest to suggest content. TikTok channels with many followers are often considered to be of good quality and will be prioritized for display and appearance on the homepage. Increasing followers for Sales Channels helps brands reach more people, limiting TikTok flops.
  • Build a brand quickly: Many restaurants and cafes use TikTok to promote their brands alongside other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. TikTok also allows linking other social media accounts to attract customers’ attention and promote their brands more effectively.
  • Easy to receive TikTok blue tick: Followers are one of the criteria for TikTok to approve blue ticks for user accounts. Sales accounts with many followers and genuine blue ticks will build trust with customers and increase the ability to convert orders.
    • For regular TikTok channels: Reach 2 million followers or have 25 million total likes from videos posted on YouTube.
    • For TikTok channels linked to Facebook or YouTube blue-tick accounts: TikTok account needs to reach 500,000 followers.
    • For TikTok channels that won awards during TikTok events: TikTok account needs to reach 30,000 followers.

Followers are an important factor in TikTok blue tick approval

Followers are an important factor in TikTok blue tick approval

What do you need to prepare for TikTok Follower Increase Ads?

When running ads to increase TikTok followers, you need to pay attention to setting up information such as:

1. Email Address

You should prepare a personal or business email to register for an advertising account on TikTok. Remember to save the information about the email address you used. In the future, any issues related to your TikTok account will be notified by TikTok’s support team via this email.

2. Build TikTok Profile

TikTok profile is considered the face of the brand. When you invest in and take care of your profile, TikTok will easily identify the topic of the channel, helping to optimize SEO activities on this platform.

An attractive profile not only leaves a good impression on customers but also attracts more followers and increases interaction. To build a professional TikTok channel, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Select channel name: The channel name should contain the brand name or product or service being sold.
  • ID: Choose an ID that is memorable and unique to your brand.
  • Avatar: Your profile picture should be clear, represent your brand, and be consistent with your other social media pages (if any).
  • Story: Make the most of the 80 characters TikTok allows to provide key information about your brand and a call to follow and engage.
  • Privacy settings: It is recommended to keep your account public and allow people to send you direct messages.
  • Content investment: Create interesting, unique and trendy content.

Invest in content to create a professional TikTok channel

Invest in content to create a professional TikTok channel

3. Prepare a Visa/Mastercard Debit card

TikTok has strict criteria for the payment method you use and requires 100% payment before running ads. Therefore, to make the process of running TikTok Follower ads go smoothly, you should prepare two types of cards: Debit Visa and Mastercard.

4. TikTok Agency Account

A TikTok Agency account gives you access to TikTok’s full suite of advertising features and tools, including the latest ad formats and special features for businesses.

Moreover, if you encounter any problems during the advertising process, the agency will support you to resolve them quickly. This helps you create more effective TikTok follow-up advertising campaigns.

How to run Ads to increase TikTok Followers?

1. Create a TikTok Advertising Account

To start running ads on TikTok, you’ll need to create an ad account. This involves signing up on the TikTok Ads Manager platform and providing some basic information about your business.

Creating a TikTok advertising account is a prerequisite for you to start advertising to increase followers on TikTok. Please read the article “Instructions for creating an advertising account TikTok Ads in just 2 minutes” for detailed instructions on how to create a TikTok Ads account in the fastest way.

  • Visit the website TikTok for Business via link:
  • Register for an advertising account with the email you have prepared
  • Fill in business information: Here, you need to fill in all the business information that TikTok requires.
  • Tick ​​the box to confirm you agree to the TikTok Commerce Terms of Service, TikTok Advertising Policy, and TikTok Payments Policy.
  • Click Sign Up to complete the process of creating a TikTok Ads account.

Once your account is set up, you’ll have access to the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard, where you can create and manage your ad campaigns. The dashboard provides various tools and features to help you optimize your ads.

2. Set-up Payment Card for TikTok Ads Account

You can only add payment methods to ad accounts owned by Business Center, and automatic payments is the only payment method.

  • Access the Business Center.
  • Select Finance and then click Payments.
  • Select Manage Payments.
  • Find the ad account you want to add a payment method to, then click Link payment method.
  • Add your card information and click Submit.

In-Feed Ads TikTok

3. Prepare Advertising

Advertising content is an important factor that determines the success of a TikTok Follower increase campaign. To prepare effective advertising content, you need to note:

Defining Your Goals

  • Identifying Your Target Audience: Before you create your ads, it’s essential to identify your target audience. Consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors to ensure your ads reach the right people.
  • Setting Clear Objectives: Define clear objectives for your ad campaign. Are you looking to increase followers, drive traffic to your website, or boost engagement? Having specific goals will help you measure the success of your campaign.

Creating Compelling Ad Content

  • Understanding Your Audience: To create compelling ad content, you need to understand what resonates with your audience. Research popular trends, challenges, and content types on TikTok.
  • Crafting Engaging Videos: Focus on creating high-quality, engaging videos that capture attention within the first few seconds. Use storytelling techniques, humor, and creativity to make your ads stand out.
  • Using Music and Effects: Music and effects are integral to TikTok content. Choose trending songs and use TikTok’s built-in effects to enhance your videos and make them more appealing.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Don’t forget to add a clear call to action like “Follow for more!” to motivate viewers to take immediate action.
  • Test and Optimize: Before running your campaign, review your content and optimize for maximum effectiveness.

Choosing the Right Ad Format

  • In-Feed Ads: In-Feed Ads appear in users’ feeds as they scroll through TikTok. These ads can be up to 60 seconds long and include a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage users to follow your account.
  • Brand Takeover Ads: Brand Takeover Ads are full-screen ads that appear when users open the TikTok app. They are highly effective for capturing attention but can be more expensive.
  • TopView Ads: TopView Ads are similar to Brand Takeover Ads but appear as the first in-feed post after the user opens the app. They offer high visibility and engagement.
  • Branded Hashtag Challenges: Branded Hashtag Challenges encourage users to create content around a specific hashtag. This format is excellent for driving user-generated content and increasing brand visibility.
  • Branded Effects: Branded Effects allow you to create custom filters, stickers, and effects that users can apply to their videos. This format can enhance brand engagement and creativity.

Budgeting and Bidding Strategies

  • Setting Your Budget: Determine your budget for the ad campaign. TikTok allows you to set daily or total budgets, giving you flexibility in managing your ad spend.
  • Choosing a Bidding Strategy: Choose a bidding strategy that aligns with your campaign goals. TikTok offers various bidding options, such as cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-impression (CPM), and cost-per-view (CPV).

Launching Your TikTok Ad Campaign

  • Step-by-Step Guide: Follow a step-by-step guide to launch your TikTok ad campaign. This includes selecting your ad format, setting your budget, targeting your audience, and creating your ad content.
  • Best Practices for Launch:Ensure your ad content is high-quality and engaging. Monitor your campaign closely during the initial launch phase to make any necessary adjustments.

TikTok Now Real feature

4. Tracking and Measuring

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance

  • Key Metrics to Track: Track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, engagement rate, and conversion rate to measure the performance of your ad campaign.
  • Using TikTok Analytics: Use TikTok Analytics to gain insights into your ad performance. Analyze data to understand what works and what doesn’t, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaign.

Optimizing Your Ad Campaign

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing to compare different versions of your ads and identify which performs better. Test various elements such as ad copy, visuals, and CTAs.
  • Adjusting Your Strategy Based on Data: Use the data from your analytics to make informed adjustments to your ad campaign. Continuously optimize your ads to improve performance and achieve your goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overlooking Audience Insights: Failing to understand your audience can lead to ineffective ad campaigns. Always prioritize audience insights in your strategy.
  • Ignoring Creative Quality: Poor-quality ad content can negatively impact your campaign. Invest in creating high-quality, engaging videos.
  • Mismanaging Budget: Mismanaging your budget can lead to overspending or underspending. Set a clear budget and monitor your ad spend closely.

Advanced Strategies for Growing Followers

  • Leveraging Influencers: Collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience and gain credibility. Influencers can help amplify your message and attract more followers.
  • Running Contests and Giveaways: Organize contests and giveaways to encourage user participation and increase engagement. This can help boost your follower count.
  • Cross-Promoting on Other Platforms: Promote your TikTok account on other social media platforms to drive traffic and gain followers. Use consistent branding and messaging across all platforms.

Future of TikTok Advertising

  • Emerging Trends: Stay updated on emerging trends in TikTok advertising. This includes new ad formats, creative tools, and audience engagement strategies. For example, interactive ads and augmented reality (AR) experiences are becoming increasingly popular.
  • The Role of AI and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are playing a significant role in optimizing TikTok ads. These technologies can help personalize ad content, target the right audience, and predict campaign performance. Leveraging AI can lead to more effective and efficient ad campaigns.
  • Predictions for the Future: The future of TikTok advertising looks promising, with continuous innovations and improvements. Brands that stay ahead of the curve and adapt to new trends will likely see the most success. Expect to see more integration of e-commerce, enhanced targeting capabilities, and even more creative ad formats.


Now, you must have known the Agency TikTok Account. MarkKnow hopes that this article will provide you with more knowledge about Digital Marketing. Please update more topics as well as new, creative and specialized Video making methods to find your competitive advantage.

In summary, running ads on TikTok can be a powerful way to grow your follower base and increase brand visibility. By understanding the different ad formats, setting clear goals, creating compelling content, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can achieve significant results. Final Thoughts, As TikTok continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities for advertisers. Staying informed about the latest trends and best practices will help you make the most of your TikTok ad campaigns. Remember, the key to success is creativity, consistency, and a deep understanding of your audience.


How much does it cost to run ads on TikTok?

The cost of running ads on TikTok can vary widely depending on factors such as ad format, targeting options, and campaign duration. It’s essential to set a budget that aligns with your goals and monitor your ad spend closely.

What is the best ad format for increasing followers?

In-Feed Ads and Branded Hashtag Challenges are particularly effective for increasing followers. These formats encourage user engagement and can drive significant traffic to your profile.

How can I measure the success of my TikTok ads?

Use TikTok Analytics to track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, engagement rate, and conversion rate. Regularly review these metrics to assess the performance of your ad campaigns and make data-driven adjustments.

Can small businesses benefit from TikTok ads?

Yes, small businesses can benefit from TikTok ads by reaching a large and engaged audience. With the right strategy and creative content, small businesses can increase brand awareness and grow their follower base.

What are some tips for creating engaging TikTok ads?

Focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing videos that capture attention quickly. Use trending music and effects, tell a compelling story, and include a clear call-to-action to encourage users to follow your account.

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