What is the Halo Effect? ​​Its Effects in Life
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What is the Halo Effect? ​​Tips for Avoiding Psychological Traps When Making Decisions

What is the Halo Effect that can profoundly affect the way we perceive and evaluate everything around us? From personal relationships, daily work to life decisions, this effect can lead us to make biased judgments without even realizing it. In this article, let’s explore how the Halo Effect works, its potential downsides, and how to master it to avoid unnecessary mistakes!

What is the Halo Effect?

The Halo Effect, also known as the cognitive bias effect, is a psychological phenomenon. Express the first Impression of a Feature of someone or something can influence our perception of other related characteristics.

When we are affected by the Halo Effect, we tend to judge other characteristics of a person or thing based on the first impression we have. For example, if a person is good-looking, we may unconsciously think that they are also intelligent or talented, even if there is no concrete evidence to support this. This happens because we often base our judgments on first impressions about a person or thing as a whole.

What is the Halo Effect

The ripple effect makes it easy for you to judge others based on your first impressions and feelings.

Halo Effect in Life

The Halo Effect is not just a theoretical concept but has profound practical implications in many aspects of everyday life. Here is a detailed analysis of this effect in different fields:

Halo Effect in Love

The Halo Effect in relationships occurs when we judge a person based on an initial impression, such as appearance. According to a study by Dion, Berscheid, and Walster (1972), attractive people are often perceived as having better personalities, intelligence, and social skills. This can lead us to overlook or forgive a person’s shortcomings simply because they are good-looking. Conversely, people who are not physically attractive may be judged negatively about their personality or worth.

Halo Effect in Love

The Halo Effect causes many people to overlook other people’s mistakes just because of a good first impression.

The Halo Effect in the Workplace

In the workplace, the Halo Effect can have a major impact on how managers and coworkers judge an individual’s competence. A study by Nisbett and Wilson (1977) found that managers tend to rate an employee’s competence more highly if they have a strong past record, even if their current performance is poor. This can lead to poor decisions such as promoting or assigning important responsibilities to people who are not truly suited.

According to a survey by the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Halo Effect also directly affects income in some professions. Typically, attractive, good-looking waiters and waitresses earn about $1,200 more in tips per year than less attractive waiters.

The Halo Effect at School

In school settings, the Halo Effect can influence how teachers judge students. The results of the famous “Pygmalion” experiment showed that teachers tend to overestimate the abilities of students they believe to be intelligent based on initial impressions, even when there is no clear evidence of the students’ abilities.

The Halo Effect in the Medical Field

The Halo Effect in medicine can lead to erroneous diagnostic and treatment decisions. According to Groves’ research, doctors can be influenced by their initial impressions of patients, leading them to miss important symptoms or make incorrect diagnoses. This can have a negative impact on a patient’s health, especially in cases of serious illness.

The Halo Effect in Marketing

The Halo Effect in marketing is used intentionally to create a positive impression of a product or Brand. A report from Nielsen found that 64% of consumers Globally, consumers decide to buy products based on factors such as packaging and brand, even before they test the actual quality of the product. Therefore, more and more brands are Investing carefully in eye-catching logos and professional brand images to attract and increase customer impressions and trust.

The Halo Effect in marketing

Many customers choose to buy a product based on their first impression of the packaging, which is an example of the Halo Effect.

Negative Effects of the Halo Effect

The Halo Effect, although it can bring positive first impressions, also has the potential to cause negative effects in many areas of life such as:

Prejudice and Discrimination

One of the biggest consequences of the Halo Effect is prejudice and discrimination. When an individual or group is judged based on a single prominent characteristic, it is easy to overlook other aspects and make inaccurate assumptions. For example, an unattractive person may be judged as incompetent, even if that is not the case.

According to a study by Harvard Business Review, good-looking people are often given more job opportunities, regardless of their qualifications or experience. This leads to inequality in career opportunities and widens the power gap between different groups of people.

Make the Wrong Decision

The Halo Effect can lead to poor decisions in a variety of situations, from choosing business partners to medical decisions. When we are influenced by a strong first impression, we easily ignore other information and make poor decisions.

According to the Journal of Management, researchers found that managers often make promotion decisions based on a few outstanding achievements of employees without carefully considering the entire work performance. This can cause serious consequences for human resources development as well as create an unfair work environment.

What is the Halo Effect? ​​Tips to avoid psychological traps when making decisions - Photo 4.

The Halo Effect in business can cause leaders to make biased and erroneous judgments.

Impact on Mental Health

The Halo Effect not only affects the decisions and perceptions of others, but it also directly affects the mental health of those affected. When a person is unfairly judged due to the Halo Effect, they may experience feelings of low self-esteem, anxiety, and stress.

A research team from Stanford University pointed out that students who are unfairly evaluated due to the Halo Effect tend to lose confidence and have difficulty developing their skills. In the long run, it not only affects academic performance but also negatively impacts the psychological and spiritual development of students.

Or in the workplace, employees who are not appreciated because of a bad first impression may experience stress, loss of motivation, and even depression. When they feel they are being evaluated unfairly or unfairly, they may become dissatisfied and lose faith in the organization’s evaluation system.

5 Secrets to Mastering the Halo Effect

Here are some methods to help you master the Halo Effect in your life and work:

Recognizing the Halo Effect

The first step to mastering the Halo Effect is to recognize when it happens. This requires you to examine your judgments and decisions. Ask yourself, “Am I being influenced by a strong first impression?” or “Am I judging an entire person based on a few prominent traits?”

Self-awareness is an important step in minimizing the impact of the Halo Effect. When you realize that you are being influenced by first impressions, you can stop and reconsider your decisions based on many different aspects instead of just one outstanding characteristic.

Develop Critical Thinking

Developing critical thinking is an effective way to combat the Halo Effect. Critical thinking requires you to ask questions, challenge initial assumptions, and consider issues from multiple perspectives. When you encounter a situation or have to make a decision, consider the evidence and arguments that support or refute your initial assumptions.

The Critical Thinking Community report found that people who regularly practice critical thinking are more likely to make better decisions and are less susceptible to cognitive biases. They tend to seek out additional information and are more willing to change their minds when new evidence becomes available.

Focus on Real Value

Another effective way to master this psychological effect is to focus on the true value of a person or event instead of just relying on first impressions. This requires you to dig deeper into the underlying, important factors instead of just looking at the superficial or salient factors. For example, in the workplace, instead of evaluating an employee based on an outstanding achievement or outstanding appearance, management should consider their overall performance including their skills, ability to work in a team, and long-term contribution to the company.

Apply Multidimensional Assessment Method

To minimize the impact of the Halo Effect, it is essential to adopt a multi-dimensional approach. This means not relying on a single source of information or perspective to make a decision. Instead, gather information from multiple sources, listen to multiple opinions, and consider all factors before drawing a conclusion.

In the field of human resource management, the use of multidimensional assessment tools such as 360-degree feedback has proven effective in reducing the Halo Effect. According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management, businesses that use this method tend to have more accurate assessments of employee competencies and make fairer decisions.

Learn from Real-Life Experience

Learning from real-life experiences is also an important way to master the Halo Effect. When you experience situations where your first impressions are not accurate, learn from them and apply them to future situations. The experience of making bad decisions due to the Halo Effect will help you be more vigilant in your future judgments and decisions.


Understanding what the Halo Effect is and knowing how to master it not only helps us make more accurate assessments but also contributes to building a more fair and balanced living and working environment. Always stay alert and develop critical thinking so as not to be caught up in false first impressions.

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